
LA International accredited with the Fast Payer Award for 2021

LA International has formally been awarded and accredited with the Fast Payer Award for 2021, awarded by Good Business Pays to companies that have demonstrated the best payment performance to their supply chain over the past year, supporting the UK's small business community.

The Fast Payer Award is a testament to how quickly we pay our contractors and suppliers alike - together with our commitment in the continued development of payment processes and their underlying technologies.

Good Business pays is backed by leading business groups such as the Confederation of British Industry, Federation of Small Business, Institute of Directors, British Chambers of Commerce amongst others, with LA International being only one of 2.5% of companies in the UK achieving the award.

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Get in Touch

LA International Computer Consultants Ltd.
International House
Festival Way
ST1 5UB    
Registered in England at the above HQ
No. 01633646

 +44 (0)1782 203040

Want to send a CV? use this link or email WebCV@lainternational.com